Saptapadi Cultural and Sports

We deliver value to our members by providing a platform to celebrate festivals, promote art ,music and culture and undertake social welfare activities . We believe in being INCLUSIVE, OPEN, PARTICIPATIVE and maintain QUALITY in our deliverance

Pujo manei Bhog !

  • Online booking is for non-members. Members can collect their coupon offline
  • Online Booking will stop on 01 Oct, 2022
  • Bhog can be collected on Saptami, Ashtami, Nabami

Get. Set. Dugga Elo !

Celebrate Durga Puja with us. Have a look into our Celebration Schedule.  (click to see venue)

Durga Pujo 2023

Book Bhog Coupons for SAPTAMI, ASTAMI & NABAMI

*Members can book 1 free bhog coupon each day for Saptami, Astami & Nabami



About Us

Saptapadi Cultural & Sports Association is a socio-cultural, non-profit organization in Pune, registered under the Societies’ Registration Act of 1860. The Association formed in 2022, pledges to support the community in a benevolent way by organizing and hosting events which are socio-religious, humanitarian activities for a cause. Saptapadi envisions a future where all have the right to have an active, healthy and enigmatic participation to build a strong society. The organization pledges to accomplish exemplary work in the field of support for homeless children and under privileged women of society, community development & awareness, rehabilitation support and organising community Puja & social fiestas. The philosophy and core values of Saptapadi Cultural & Sports Association is also to reach out to all to make a difference by actively promoting art and culture by promoting regional artists and traditional art forms. The Associations main objective is to make a distinct difference to the community we live in. We wish to endeavour and make this a peoples organisation.

Our Mission

Saptapadi Cultural & Sports Association has mission to promote and stimulate the work of people in the field of culture, art, music, socio-educational processes, that lead to the recognition and promotion of diverse culture among the people of Pune.

Our Vision

Our Organisations vision is to contribute to the society by fulfilling social responsibilities for the underprivileged, for empowerment of women, for sustainable development and to promote sports and various other activities.
Together we stand strong and work for a better and a brighter future. Our work will be guided and informed by our beliefs and commitments to the FOUR PILLARS we believe in …

Inclusiveness – we respect people, value diversity and are committed to equality.
Participation – we value and recognise the contribution of volunteers within organisations and communities.
Quality – we strive for excellence through our relentless pursuit of continuous improvement.
Openness – we are committed to a culture of teamwork and collaboration.

Our Endeavours

APRIL , 2023

Barshoboron with


We Can ...

So far, 1,53,827 children have been registered on the portal including 1,42,949 children with single parent, 492 abandoned children and 10,386 children who have lost both their parents.
So, It’s time to do something for them.

Cultural Engagements

Durga Puja
Lakshmi Puja

APRIL 2025
Musical Event

Ganpati Puja

Social Engagements

Bijoy Sammelan

Charitable Drive

Annual Picnic

Sports Engagements

Sports Day

Sr. Product Designer

  • 2020-present
Responsible for sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque

Product Designer

  • 2018-2020
Responsible for sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque

UI/UX Designer

  • 2017-2018
Responsible for sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque

Join Us. Register as a member.

Saptapadi Joining Plan

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